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SoftLINK (NS School) for Mac Deploy and Remote Installation

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The user understands Apple Remote Desktop, File Sharing and Remote Command line. Clients are configured to allow Remote Management, Remote Login and File Sharing.

Note: The Mac commands are case sensitive.


You need to ensure the sharing options are enabled for remote management.

  1. Select System Preferences Sharing.
  2. The target machines need to have the following options selected:
    •  File Sharing
    •  Remote Login
    •  Remote Management
  3. Create a folder with the NS School for Mac Client application, a valid Client32.ini and a supported license (LIC file). (Ensure the Client32.ini has all details required, e.g. Connectivity Server details and room )
    Note: If you do not add a LIC file, this will install as an evaluation.
  4. Save to the desktop of the Admin machine running Apple Remote Desktop.
  5. Open Remote Desktop from the Launchpad.
  6. Select the machines you would like to install the NS School Mac Student onto.
  7. You can search for machines using any of the options shown in the screen shot below.
  8. Select the required machines and click Copy.

  9. The Copy Items page will appear. Drag or add the new folder with the installer application, Client32.ini and license into the Items to copy box.

Place items in:
Ensure this is set to the /Users/Shared/ file location as this is accessible to all users that log into a Mac. It is also accessible while users are logged off

If an item already exists:
Select the applicable option

Set item ownership to:
This option needs to be set to Inherit from destination folder. Select any other relevant options and click Copy.

Remote installation via Remote Desktop

The example below shows how to remotely install a “Student” only installation.

Select UNIX and enter in command:

cd /Users/Shared/
cd “NetSupport School 12.60.000 installer.app”
cd /Contents/MacOS/
./installbuilder.sh –mode unattended –installer-language en –InstallationTypeSelection client –reboot 1

The text in red will change when new versions of NS School are released, for example: NetSupport School 12.70.0004.app

Once the command has been entered, press Send.

The default path for the installation is Applications/NetSupport/NetSupport School/Client

The command has now been sent to all selected machines. You need to check the ARD to make sure there were no errors. The Macs will restart; School Clients will now be installed successfully.

Note: You can prevent the reboot of the Mac by changing “—reboot 1” to “—reboot 0” however, please be aware that the Student will not run until the Mac has been restarted.

Uninstalling using Apple Remote Desktop

  1. Select the machines you want to uninstall the NS School Client from.
  2. Run the following command in UNIX:/bin/bash
    cd /Applications/NetSupport/NetSupportSchool//uninstall.app/Contents /MacOS/./installbuilder.sh –mode unattended

Note: You currently cannot uninstall using ARD without the user being logged in.

Installing Using Local Terminal

  1. Add the NS School app to the desktop.
  2. Run the Terminal as the administrator.
  3. Run the following command:CD Desktop
    CD /Users/NAME/Desktop/NetSupportSchool12.60.0000.app
    ./Contents/MacOS/./installbuilder.sh –mode unattended –InstallationTypeSelection client –LicenseChoice register –LicenseChoicePath smb://FULL FILE LOCATION /NSA.LIC –Username Domain/Username –Password Password1 –reboot 1

    The spaces between text is not read, you need to use to break and allow spaces to be read. It is also case sensitive.

    Note: This can also be actioned via a shared location e.g. cd /Users/Shared.

    Alternatively, you can use a local path:
    ./installbuilder.sh –mode unattended –InstallationTypeSelection client –LicenseChoice register
    –LicenseChoiceLPath ~/Desktop/NSW.LIC –reboot 0

    You use the commands: LicenseChoiceLPath for local paths, but LicenseChoicePath for remote paths

Uninstalling Using Local Terminal

  1. Run the Terminal as the administrator.
  2. Run the following command./bin/bash
    cd /Applications/NetSupport/NetSupportSchool
    ./uninstall.app/Contents/MacOS/installbuilder.sh –mode unattended

Mac OS 10.14 – Custom Configuration

With Mac OS 10.14, Apple has introduced extra security protection for your private data. Users are now asked to grant permission to applications before they can run or access certain content on your system.

If a user does not grant permission to the NS School for Mac Student, certain features within the software will not operate as expected such as viewing a Student.

For systems administrators, we have created a custom configuration which can be applied so users do not have to accept permissions multiple times or when a new user signs into a shared machine. This configuration can be assigned to devices enrolled in an MDM environment.

Once a custom configuration/profile has been sent to the device, it can be viewed on a device by logging into a user account, opening System Preferences and selecting Profiles.

The custom configuration file can be found at:

Cisco Meraki

  1. Select Systems Manager – Settings.
  2. Select Add Profile.
  3. Choose Upload custom Apple profile and click Continue.
  4. Select the Upload a .mobileconfig file option and navigate to the location of the NS School .mobileconfig file (default location is Applications/Netsupport/NetsupportSchool).
  5. Configure any other options on the page which you require, e.g. Allow users to remove this profile.
  6. Adjust your scope to choose which devices receive the custom configuration.
  7. Click Save.

Appendix of Supported Commands

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