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Connect to Students using the Room Mode feature

SoftLINK version 10.50 and newer has a new quick and easy method to deploy and connect to Students located in a particular room. When the SoftLINK Tutor is started, a Startup Wizard will appear allowing you to define a room name and then assign computers to that room.  The Tutor will then deploy the client software to those selected machines.

When starting a lesson, the SoftLINK Tutor will automatically connect to the Student PCs located in the room. This option is also available for roaming Students to connect to a designated room.


Deploying the SoftLINK student to workstations with the Room Details

  1. Start the SoftLINK Tutor.
  2. When the {Welcome to SoftLINK Class Control} window appears select the {Classroom} option.
  3. In the {Room} field enter your chosen room name.
  4. Next from the Available Computers list select the relevant DomainWorkgroup containing the Students in your room.
  5. Highlight the required Student machines from the Available Computers list and click the {Add} Button.
  6. Click the {Finish} Button to Deploy the SoftLINK Student to the machines.
  7. Once the Deploy has completed the Tutor will connect to the Student workstations included in the Room.

Configuring the Room details at the Tutor
To configure the SoftLINK Tutor to connect to a different room please follow the steps below:

  1. Launch the SoftLINK Tutor. Navigate to the Tutors Configurator using the {School} drop down menu and then selecting {Configurations}
  2. On the {Student Selection} tab tick the option “Connect to Students in Room(s):”
  3. Enter your Room Name in the field provided
  4. Click OK

Note: You can also configure the SoftLINK Tutor to Acknowledge Roaming Students

Configuring the Room Details at the Student
The Room settings can also be configured at the Student using the SoftLINK Class Control Configurator. This allows you to configure whether the Computer is always located in the same room or if it is a mobile (or roaming) computer.

  1. Open the SoftLINK Class Control Configurator by using {Start}{Programs}{SoftLINK Class Control}{SoftLINK Class Control Configurator}
  2. Select the {Room} tab
  3. Select one of the following options depending on your environment:
  • {This Computer is always located in the following room:} – Select this option if the Workstation is always located in the Classroom and enter the Room name.
  • {This is a mobile computer and may be located in one of the following rooms:} – Select this option if this is a Mobile Computer and is located in different rooms. You will also need to specify the room names in the field provided.
  • {This is a mobile computer and its room will be entered manually} – Select this option if this is a mobile computer and you would like the Student to select the room manually that they are currently located in. Note:  Roaming Students can be configured to manually enter the room from the Student icon in the taskbar.  If the Student icon is hidden in the taskbar the Student can still manually enter the room by running the setroom.exe. This file is located in the Program folder on the Student machine.
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